25 research outputs found

    A State of the Art of Governance Literature on adaptation to climate change. Towards a research agenda

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    This report provides a state-of-the-art overview of governance literature on adaptation strategies. What has recent research taught us on adaptation from the perspective of governance and to what research agenda does this lead? This report is structured as followed. Firstly, it will be argued why adaptation is a matter of governance. Secondly, the research methods for the literature study will be outlined. Thirdly, the results of the literature study will portray the findings in terms of the themes and foci with, respectively, environmental studies, spatial planning and development studies, and public administration studies. Finally, a comparative analysis of these findings will lead to a research agenda for future research on governance of adaptatio

    80-річчя академіка НАН України І.Д. Войтовича

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    This report provides a state-of-the-art overview of governance literature on adaptation strategies. What has recent research taught us on adaptation from the perspective of governance and to what research agenda does this lead? This report is structured as followed. Firstly, it will be argued why adaptation is a matter of governance. Secondly, the research methods for the literature study will be outlined. Thirdly, the results of the literature study will portray the findings in terms of the themes and foci with, respectively, environmental studies, spatial planning and development studies, and public administration studies. Finally, a comparative analysis of these findings will lead to a research agenda for future research on governance of adaptatio

    Гипотензивный эффект факоэмульсификации катаракты у больных с некомпенсированной первичной открытоугольной глаукомой

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    Нами було досліджено вплив факоемульсифікації катаракти з імплантацією інтраокулярної лінзи на внутришньоочний тиск (ВОТ). Обстежено та прооперовано 44 ока (36 людей) хворих на катаракту зпідвищеннимвнутриочним тиском, який тримався на тлі прийому двох чи більше гіпотензивних препаратах, та з відкритим кутом передньої камери.Очі були поділені на дві групи: у першу групу увійшли очі з псевдоесфоліативним синдромом, друга – без псевдо ексфоліацій. Більш виражене зниження внутрішньоочного тиску спостерігалося на очах з псевдоексфоліативним синдромом (32,4%) ніж на очах без нього (27,6%). В результаті проведеного лікування крім нормалізації офтальмотонуса вдалося зменшити кількість застосовуваних гіпотензивних препаратів або повністю відійти від них на оперованих очах.Факоемульсифікація катаракти є ефективною методикою нормалізації ВОТ у хворих з ПВКГ і катарактою та може рекомендуватися як метод першого вибору в тактиці лікування даної групи пацієнтів.We have investigated the effect of phacoemulsification of cataract with implantation of intraocular lenses on intraocular pressure (IOP). Examined and operated 44 eyes (36 patients) with cataract and high intraocular pressure, which was kept in the background taking two or more antihypertensive medications, and an open anterior chamber angle. Eyes were divided into two groups: first group included eyes with psevdoesfoliation syndrome, the second – with out pseudoeksfoliation. A marked reduction of intraocular pressure was observed in eyes with PEX syndrome (32.4%) thanineyeswithout (27.6%). As a result of treatment but normalization of IOP managed to reduce the number of antihypertensive drugs used or completely away from them on the operated eyes. Phacoemulsification of the cataract is an effective method of normalization of IOP in patients with POAG and cataract and be recommended as a method of first choice in tactics of treatment of this patient group

    Knowledge for Climate 2008-2014

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    This is the final report (eindrapport) of the national Knowledge for Climate (KfC) research program. The program was set up in 2007 to explore the consequences of climate change for the Netherlands and how they should be managed. To that end, an independent foundation was established with the objective of “promoting evidence-based and practice- driven knowledge about climate in the public interest, including making that knowledge available to the public. The foundation has achieved that objective, together with stakeholders, by organizing and funding research and encouraging the processes of knowledge dissemination and application. Follow-up foundations are: Delta Alliance International, Climate Adaptation Services, Waterbuffer Foundation. The program did not aim to influence regional and local authorities directly. It provided the knowledge needed to improve decision-making regarding long term spatial planning investments. The program provided the tools – for example the Climate Adaptation Atlas – so that local and regional authorities can get to work on adaptation

    Togo: Thorny transition and misguided aid at the roots of economic misery

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    The parliamentary elections of October 2007, the first free Togolese elections since decades, were meant to correct at least partially the rigged presidential elections of 2005. Western donors considered it as a litmus test of despotic African regimes’ propensity to change towards democratization and economic prosperity. They took Togo as model to test their approach of political conditionality of aid, which had been emphasised also as corner stone of the joint EU-Africa strategy. Empirical findings on the linkage between democratization and economic performance are challenged in this paper because of its basic data deficiencies. It is open to question, whether Togo’s expected economic consolidation and growth will be due to democratization of its institutions or to the improved external environment, notably the growing competition between global players for African natural resources

    Bestuurskundig onderzoek naar klimaatvraagstukken

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    Klimaatverandering is als onderzoeksdomein van oorsprong gedreven en gedomineerd door de natuurwetenschappen. Toch zijn het al lang niet meer alleen bestuurskundigen die aangeven dat de ontwikkeling en realisatie van mitigatie- en adaptatiestrategieën toch ook een kwestie van governance zijn. Het is wel opvallend dat governancevragen in eerste instantie binnen het natuurwetschappelijke domein zijn geagendeerd en onderzocht. Dit biedt creatieve concepten, maar leidt soms ook tot naïviteit en het onderbenutten van de rijke body of knowledge uit de bestuurskunde. Samen met de toenemende politieke en maatschappelijke aandacht voor klimaatverandering impliceert dit een uitdaging voor de bestuurskunde. In dit artikel wordt een voorstel gedaan voor een bestuurskundige onderzoeksagenda. Deze staat niet los van het huidige discours van klimaatonderzoek maar zoekt naar een kritische verbinding

    Bestuurskundig onderzoek naar klimaatvraagstukken

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    Klimaatverandering is als onderzoeksdomein van oorsprong gedreven en gedomineerd door de natuurwetenschappen. Toch zijn het allang niet meer bestuurskundigen die aangeven dat de ontwikkeling en realisatie van migratie- en adaptatiestrategieën toch ook een kwestie van governance zijn. Het is wel opvallend dat governancevragen in eerste instantie binnen het natuurwetenschappelijk domein zijn geagendeerd en onderzocht. In dit artikel wordt een voorstel gedaan voor een bestuurskundige onderzoeksagenda. Deze staat niet los van het huidige discours van klimaatonderzoek maar zoekt naar een kritische verbindin